[−][src]Module drone_cortex_m::map::reg::scb::icsr
Provides software control of the NMI, PendSV, and SysTick exceptions, and provides interrupt status information.
Hold | Provides software control of the NMI, PendSV, and SysTick exceptions, and provides interrupt status information. |
Isrpending | Interrupt pending flag, excluding NMI and Faults. |
Nmipendset | NMI set-pending bit. |
Pendstclr | SysTick exception clear-pending bit. |
Pendstset | SysTick exception set-pending bit. |
Pendsvclr | PendSV clear-pending bit. |
Pendsvset | PendSV set-pending bit. |
Reg | Provides software control of the NMI, PendSV, and SysTick exceptions, and provides interrupt status information. |
Rettobase | Return to base level. Indicates whether there are preempted active exceptions. |
Val | Provides software control of the NMI, PendSV, and SysTick exceptions, and provides interrupt status information. |
Vectactive | Active vector. Contains the active exception number. |
Vectpending | Pending vector. Indicates the exception number of the highest priority pending enabled exception. |