[][src]Trait futures_core::stream::FusedStream

pub trait FusedStream: Stream {
    pub fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool;

A stream which tracks whether or not the underlying stream should no longer be polled.

is_terminated will return true if a future should no longer be polled. Usually, this state occurs after poll_next (or try_poll_next) returned Poll::Ready(None). However, is_terminated may also return true if a stream has become inactive and can no longer make progress and should be ignored or dropped rather than being polled again.

Required methods

pub fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns true if the stream should no longer be polled.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<P> FusedStream for Pin<P> where
    P: DerefMut + Unpin,
    P::Target: FusedStream

impl<S: ?Sized + FusedStream + Unpin> FusedStream for Box<S>[src]

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impl<F: ?Sized + FusedStream + Unpin, '_> FusedStream for &'_ mut F[src]

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